A comic version of a white guy with short hair, smiling.

Arne’s Weekly

A weekly newsletter with the best stories of the internet. There’s an RSS Feed available, but you should really subscribe:

There's also a large OPML file with feeds from all sites I've linked to, which you can import in your favourite RSS reader.


  • 154 / Everyone Into The Grinder
  • 153 / htmx sucks
  • 152 / Local, first, forever
  • 151 / Balance
  • 150 / Ship something every day
  • 149 / A Call for Software Handyman
  • 148 / Async Rust Isn’t Bad: You Are
  • 147 / Slop
  • 146 / We can have a different web
  • 145 / I Kinda Hate The Internet Now
  • 144 / Stop Acting Like You’re Famous
  • 143 / Open Source Maintainers Owe You Nothing
  • 142 / Basic Things
  • 141 / Fail Forward With Kindness
  • 140 / 40 years of programming
  • 139 / Towards a quieter, friendlier web
  • 138 / More Files Please
  • 137 / Casual Programming
  • 136 / Why We Can’t Have Nice Software
  • 135 / How To Fix Broken Teams
  • 134 / Making my website faster
  • 133 / What If Money Expired?
  • 132 / An Unreasonable Investment
  • 131 / Cold-blooded software
  • 130 / How I Have Fun With Rust
  • 129 / Extreme dogfooding
  • 128 / How to ship fast
  • 127 / You don’t need JavaScript for that
  • 126 / Spreadsheets and Small Software
  • 125 / Signals vs. Servers
  • 124 / Things I Learned the Hard Way
  • 123 / The Most Powerful Word in the World
  • 122 / The Negative Impact of Mobile-First Web Design on Desktop
  • 121 / Scrollbars are becoming a problem
  • 120 / Push and Pull
  • 119 / Nobody Cares
  • 118 / How To Engineer Kindness
  • 117 / Don’t be afraid to be wrong
  • 116 / Style is consistent constraint
  • 115 / Ask vs guess culture
  • 114 / Edsger Dijkstra’s One-Day Workweek
  • 113 / Just normal web things
  • 112 / In Defense of Strategy
  • 111 / This will be easy
  • 110 / Compounding Optimism
  • 109 / JavaScript Gom Jabbar
  • 108 / Humans Need Play
  • 107 / IKEA-Oriented Development
  • 106 / Anything can be a message queue
  • 105 / Fire and Motion
  • 104 / Markdown images are an anti-pattern
  • 103 / User Driven UI
  • 102 / Stop Using Hamburger Menus
  • 101 / Why I Adore The Night
  • 100 / Here Come the Robots
  • 99 / A love letter to make
  • 98 / The Most Valuable Programmer
  • 97 / How To Do Hard Things
  • 96 / Neither artificial, nor intelligent
  • 95 / The Ambiguous Zone
  • 94 / Culture Viruses
  • 93 / The Waluigi Effect
  • 92 / What’s in my software engineering tool belt?
  • 91 / Taco Bell Programming
  • 90 / My Dream Computer
  • 89 / Use the Wrong Tool for the Job
  • 88 / The yaml document from hell
  • 87 / The internet wants to be fragmented
  • 86 / Why the super rich are inevitable
  • 85 / How to Improve Your Creative Thinking
  • 84 / The Riddle of Rest
  • 83 / Why Twitter Didn’t Go Down
  • 82 / Programming is a Pop Culture
  • 81 / That fediverse feeling
  • 80 / Goodbye Twitter, hello Fediverse
  • 79 / The perfect commit
  • 78 / No, you’re not entitled to your opinion
  • 77 / Take a Break You Idiot
  • 76 / An end to doomerism
  • 75 / The five-minute feedback fix
  • 74 / The Patron Saint of Yak Shaves
  • 73 / Quality Is Systemic
  • 72 / Why are you so busy?
  • 71 / Coping with Copilot
  • 70 / Death to Dependencies
  • 69 / How I Hacked my Car
  • 68 / An app can be a home-cooked meal
  • 67 / Your Code Doesn’t Have to Be a Mess
  • 66 / Things you’re allowed to do
  • 65 / Why you can’t dig Switzerland
  • 64 / Absurd Trolley Problems
  • 63 / The Death Spiral Of Bullshit
  • 62 / Making Code Faster
  • 61 / Shipping to Production
  • 60 / Optimism Shapes Reality
  • 59 / Programming in the Apocalypse
  • 58 / Not My Job
  • 57 / Honesty is a professional behavior
  • 56 / I Miss Heroku’s DevEx
  • 55 / An easy mode for Rust
  • 54 / Crimes with Go Generics
  • 53 / Generation C
  • 52 / The Return of the 90s Web
  • 51 / Advantages of monorepos
  • 50 / How To Do Less
  • 49 / The opportunity will find you
  • 48 / My Favorite npm Commit
  • 47 / Falsify yourself
  • 46 / Editing stuff in prod
  • 45 / I have no capslock and I must scream
  • 44 / A Rust match made in hell
  • 43 / Why You Should Start a Blog Right Now
  • 42 / Settings are not a design failure
  • 41 / Contemplating calendars
  • 40 / The Web of 2042
  • 39 / Who Uses To-Do Lists?
  • 38 / Function Colors Are Rusty
  • 37 / Preventing Log4j with Capabilities
  • 36 / Why not Rust?
  • 35 / Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds
  • 34 / Inspiring Resilience
  • 33 / Just a job
  • 32 / Individuals matter
  • 31 / Don’t be spooky
  • 30 / It’s all gravy
  • 29 / Always do Extra
  • 28 / Willingness to look stupid
  • 27 / Speed matters
  • 26 / Twitter has a kernel team!?
  • 25 / Work Is a False Idol
  • 24 / Start using tools again
  • 23 / The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Unexpected
  • 22 / Intentional connection in the digital office
  • 21 / Why Electron apps are fine
  • 20 / The Rise Of User-Hostile Software
  • 19 / Your devices and your employer
  • 18 / Apple’s Mistake
  • 17 / Use Spreadsheets Everywhere
  • 16 / Avoid easy things
  • Issue #15: Your Idea Is Brilliant, Your Idea Is Worthless
  • Issue #14: -2000 Lines of Code
  • Issue #13: Git Best Practices
  • Issue #12: Good code is easy to delete
  • Issue #11
  • Building a More Honest Internet
  • Always be quitting
  • Do what I mean
  • Barrels and Ammunition
  • Arnes Weekly: The Minimum Viable Company
  • Arnes Weekly: Don’t push that button
  • Arnes Weekly: I could build this during the weekend
  • Arnes Weekly: What really happened at Basecamp
  • Arnes Weekly: What’s in the box?
  • Arnes Weekly #1