Hey hey, hope you had a good week! 😌
Toot of the Week
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if he really set his mind to it? — Max Leibman
- AI or Die (rkg.blog)
Ravi Gupta argues you need to completely restructure your company to be ready for super intelligent AI. Worth reading even if you don’t agree (I don’t).
- Microsoft Study Finds Relying on AI Kills Your Critical Thinking Skills (gizmodo.com)
AJ Dellinger about a new study which shows how knowledge workers’ critical thinking skills decrease the more they rely on AI.
- 100 Most Watched Software Engineering Talks Of 2024 (techtalksweekly.io)
Tech Talks Weekly has collated a list of the top 100 most-watched software engineering talks of 2024.
Cutting Room Floor
- The hardest working font in Manhattan (aresluna.org)
Marcin Wichary shares the history of a font called Gorton, which is used in many places, but has an unconventional origin.
- You Can’t Post Your Way Out of Fascism (404media.co)
Janus Rose explains how reacting to the right-wing lies and absurdities can actually help them—and what to do instead.
- Doing Nothing With Your Favorite People Is Really, Really Good for You (self.com)
Lauren Mazzo about the healing power of just hanging out.
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