Hi, how was your week?
Skeet of the Week
kinda weird that after all the republicans calling shit woke they’re the one with two daddies. 👀 — imlunahey.com
- Tools for Go modules (cirw.in)
Conrad Irwin explains the new Go modules tool directive.
- Go's Weird Little Iterators (mcyoung.xyz)
Miguel Young de la Sota compares different implementations of iterations and dives deep into how Go implemented them.
- My favourite colour is Chuck Norris red (htmhell.dev)
Declan Chidlow about HTML Color parsing and the forgiveness of web browsers.
- How do you do, fellow web developers? A growing disconnect. (rakhim.exotext.com)
Rakhim about the disconnect between frontend web developers, and everyone else.
Cutting Room Floor
- Here's What the Fight For Your Attention Really Looks Like (posting-nexus.ghost.io)
Julia Alexander about the real fight for attention: Quantifying everthing.
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