Hey hey, we’ve just come back from a wedding in Bavaria—hope you find something great to read in this week’s selection!
- Bypassing airport security via SQL injection (ian.sh)
Ian Carroll and Sam Curry found a security issue with a system that airline staff to skip security and were able to add arbitrary people to the allowlist.
- The Cult of the Complex (alistapart.com)
Jeffrey Zeldman about the growing dependency on frameworks in the web industry and how it can be harmful.
- Shitposting Our Way Through the Singularity (joanwestenberg.com)
Joan Westenberg explains why we need to embrace the human weirdness to distinguish ourselves from the bland content generated by LLMs.
- Chatbots Are Primed to Warp Reality (theatlantic.com)
Matteo Wong explains how genAI chatbots can implant memories and why that’s dangerous.
Cutting Room Floor
- You Are NOT Dumb, You Just Lack the Prerequisites (lelouch.dev)
Lelouch explains the important difference in being smart vs missing pre-requisite knowledge.
- Web Design Museum (webdesignmuseum.org)
The web design museum is an archive of screenshots of old websites, app and software.
- This bird came back from extinction - now scientists in an aircraft are teaching it to migrate (theguardian.com)
Phoebe Weston tells this amazing story of humans teaching Waldrapp, a species that was extinct outside of zoos, a migration route.
- Confiscate Their Money (hamiltonnolan.com)
Hamilton Nolan explains why billionaires should not exist.
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