A comic version of a white guy with short hair, smiling.

My Home Screen in November ’23

Every month, I’m sharing my current home screen. This is the one for November 2023.

Notable changes since my last post in October:

  • Black background is back!
  • I’m now using the new iOS 17 Overcast widget.
  • Obsidian has made it back to the home screen.
  • I’m evaluating OmniFocus 4 again after switching to Things because of speed issues1.

All in all I’m still very happy with the layout. Two small widgets, three rows of apps and a three apps in the dock works really well for me.

  1. It’s a beta, so this is expected—I’m sure they’ll be ironed out in the coming weeks.

An iPhone Home Screen with a black background. At the top are two small widgets: CARROT weather and Overcast. Below that are three rows of apps: CouchTimes, WhatsApp, Signal, Obsidian, Gentler Streak, BeReal, Music, Photos, Ivory, HEY, Calendar and Camera. The dock has three apps: Safari, Messages & OmniFocus 4