If you’re using Vim, you know that feel (if you aren’t, you can skip this
article): Everytime you open a project, you toggle
Tagbar (or similar). But you don’t
want to put that in your .vimrc
, because then they’d open every time, even
when you just want to quickly edit a file.
But wait
Sublime Text does have a <name>.sublime-project
, which holds configuration
for the curent project. Why doesn’t Vim has something like that?
Just do it yourself
It’s not hard, paste the following lines anywhere in your .vimrc
if filereadable(expand(".vim-project"))
source .vim-project
You can now create a .vim-project
-file anywhere you want and just write
stuff in it like in your .vimrc
, this is one of mine:
autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree
autocmd VimEnter * Tagbar
Note: You may want to close Vim automatically after all windows but NERDTree are closed, see the FAQs for that.