»Was wollt ihr denn noch alles?!« by Alexandra Zykunov
/library/was-wollt-ihr-denn-noch-allesI read »Was wollt ihr denn noch alles?!« by Alexandra Zykunov · Rotterdam, Netherlands · 4/5
Unless you‘ve already read similar books (like Invisible Women), this book will shock you. Women are disadvantaged in a lot of areas in life. There‘s the gender pay gap, which you‘ve probably heard of. But did you know, that women have a 32 % higher chance to die during surgery, if the surgeon is a man? And how much more care work is being done by women, unpaid?
While I didn’t enjoy the polemic style, Alexandra Zykunov does a great job showing the level of misogyny and unfairness women have to endure every day. She also shows alternate approaches to care work, how other countries do it, and why they could actually benefit our capitalist system.
It helped me expand my perspective on care work and the level of disadvantage women have to deal with every day. Read it!