Useful Not True by Derek Sivers
/library/useful-not-trueI read Useful Not True by Derek Sivers · Frankfurt, Germany · 5/5 · Buy
This book, which is the prequel to How to Live, talks about truth, beliefs, and reframing.
Here are four points that really resonated with me (there are so many more in the book):
When someone tells you what something means, it’s never true because it’s not the only answer.
Nothing has inherent meaning. Whatever meaning you project into it is your own.
Beliefs are often self-fulfilling. Wether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.
No choice is the best in itself. A choice becomes the best when you choose it.
Reading this book can change how you think about the world, reframe and find other perspectives. It’s a must-read, at least from my perspective.